Allyson Twiggs Dyer

The Twiggs Group / Reject The Hustle

Invite Allyson to Speak

Allyson loves connecting with audiences big and small through her passions. Her dynamic, engaging sessions cover various topics on work/life alignment, combating toxic hustle culture and effective bank marketing. Her Reject the Hustle presentation is entertaining, impactful and perfect for women in banking conferences!  

Inquire About Booking for Your Next Conference

Allyson’s Topics

Reject The Hustle
  • How Saying No Makes Space for Heck Yes

Bank Marketing
  • How to Build a Brand Ambassador Program that Works

  • The Do’s and Don’ts of Email Marketing for Banks 

  • NIL Marketing: How to Work with Student-Athletes

Upcoming Dates

Financial Women in Texas

Reject the Hustle: How Saying No Makes Space For Heck Yes

September 18-20, 2024

Past Appearances

Indiana Bankers Association Mega Conference

Do's and Don'ts of Email Marketing

May 2024

Michigan Women in Banking

Reject the Hustle: How Saying No Makes Space for Heck Yes

May 2023

Michigan Bankers BEST Conference Marketing Speaker

How to Build an Ambassador Program that Works

April 2023

Alabama Bankers Association Women in Leadership Conference

Reject the Hustle: How Saying No Makes Space for Heck Yes

August 2023

American Bankers Association Bank Marketing Conference

Reject the Hustle & The Winning Playbook: Bank-Student Athlete Collaborations in the Era of NIL

September 2023

Tennessee Bankers Association Women in Banking Conference

Reject the Hustle: How Saying No Makes Space for Heck Yes

October 2023

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